Prof Haddad's 210 Class

Here is the University’s statement on academic dishonesty:

         “Plagiarism is the use of others’ words and/or ideas without clearly acknowledging their source. As students, you are learning about other people’s ideas in your course texts, your instructors’ lectures, in-class discussions, and when doing your own research. When you incorporate those words and ideas into your own work, it is of the utmost importance that you give credit where it is due. Plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, is considered academic dishonesty and all instances will be reported to the Academic Judiciary. To avoid plagiarism, you must give the original author credit whenever you use another person’s ideas, opinions, drawings, or theories as well as any facts or any other pieces of information that are not common knowledge. Additionally quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words; or a close paraphrasing of another person’s spoken or written words must also be referenced. Accurately citing all sources and putting direct quotations – of even a few key words – in quotation marks are required.”

         For further information on academic integrity and the policies regarding academic dishonesty, go to Academic Judiciary at

         Other examples of cheating include:

         Copying answers or assignments from someone else or allowing someone to copy from you.

         Cheating in any form on an exam.

         Unpermitted collaboration on work.

         Multiple submissions of the same work.

         Fabricating or altering an excuse note.

         Making up quotes, facts or references